Loving Kindness Meditation

Loving-Kindness meditation focuses on developing feelings of goodwill, kindness, and warmth towards others, which in turn allows us to invoke those same feelings and qualities toward ourselves. we work with mantra and visualization, sending kind regards to all living beings.

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Bessie Anderson
How's Your Heart?

A dear friend asked me last week: How’s your heart? A beautiful, hard, and somewhat loaded question these days. I’m sure many of us can relate to a wide-range of emotions happening during what has now been over a month (AKA 10 years) of social distancing and shelter-in-place orders around the world.

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Setting New Intentions in a New Year

While New Year's resolutions often begin with the premise that you are not enough or that something needs to change or "get better," a sankalpa reminds us that we already have everything we need in this moment, that we are already whole, and that we are already enough.

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Bessie Anderson